T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
TRABZON / ORTAHİSAR - Bener Cordan Ortaokulu

About Our School


Bener Cordan Secondary school is a state school. It has an area of 9140 m2. The school has the capacity of 1234 students . The school has 38 classes, 1 canteens, a nursery class of 100 children, a multipurpose salon , a gymnasium , a computer labaratory, areas for physically handicapped children, a lift, a Z-library, A science laboratories , a social science class, the rooms of educational and social clubs. And also Bener Cordan Secondary School has many other departments such as a guide teacher's room , a room of the parent - teacher association , an Art workshop, a room of the lesson materials, a teachers' room , a school manager's room, 3 assistant managers' rooms, an officer's room. At the moment, our school is carrying out its educational process with 1234 students, 1 school manager, 3 assistant managers, 76 teachers. Furthermore, our school is secured under the law No 5188.

In accordance with the aims and principles of the Turkish National Education, We strive to educate our students as individuals who are respectful for human rights and open minded and who comprehend Ataturk's doctrines and revolutions and think freely. All our students are precious to us. We treat them affectionately. The concept "The key of the success is love " dominates our school.

Our teachers are struggling to educate self-confident, productive individuals who are open to innovations. While they are doing this, it is aimed to train creative , talented, inquisitive, enterprising, communicative generations who can make a criticism and use Turkish accurately .To reach these aims, the physical and technical facilities of our school are globally competitive. They serve the teachers and the students and they are used effectively. According to the features of the lessons; experiments, projects, excursions and observations form the essence of works.
As social and cultural activities; the courses of table tennis , chess , folk dance , art of drawing , drama , football, handball , basketball are organized at weekends and on weekdays as parts of the education. Besides, training courses at weekends are carried out successfully. As a result of inspections , our school has been choosen the best school in our district twice. For LGS , the intensified programmes of Turkish, Maths, Science, English, Social Science lessons are taught to the students. 
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Yayın: 02.01.2013 - Güncelleme: 07.03.2022 18:55 - Görüntülenme: 3432
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